The Experience

Our programs offer a rare opportunity for you and your organization: the chance to see yourselves in action.

The creative development of your customized program begins with a Behavior Scan®.

This proprietary process identifies the alignment between the behaviors defined in your Code of Conduct and Values and the behaviors typically demonstrated in your organization. This is accomplished through informal observation, focus groups and one-on-one interviews.

“A Look in the Mirror” – An original one-act play using Breakthrough professional actors that brings the observations and behaviors identified during the Scan to life.

The creative development of your customized program begins with a Behavior Scan®.

This proprietary process identifies the alignment between the behaviors defined in your Code of Conduct and Values and the behaviors typically demonstrated in your organization. This is accomplished through informal observation, focus groups and one-on-one interviews.

“A Look in the Mirror” – An original one-act play using Breakthrough professional actors that brings the observations and behaviors identified during the Scan to life 2.

This program is a powerful tool that reflects how your organization is currently demonstrating your code of conduct.

By observing a live performance of a day in the life of your organization, participants become aware of the gaps in alignment between behavior expected and behavior demonstrated, which may indicate opportunities for compliance risks in themselves and others.

“A Living Case Study” – A hands-on business simulation in which the participants play the lead role. This interactive program places your leaders into a full-scale case study that requires them to make increasingly difficult choices as the case progresses.

The goal is to push the participants right to the edge of a challenging ethical dilemma that looks, feels and sounds real. Events around them become more complex and more urgent. The perception of real risk grows increasingly stronger. As the decisions become more difficult, the possibility of a less than positive outcome looms large, and the serious ethics and compliance consequences begin to emerge. Then we stop.

“Taking It Home” – The case study concludes with self-assessment and analysis. The participants consider the following:

  • "How is my compliance leadership behavior affecting the culture and business of my organization?"
  • "What can I do to better support my organization?"
  • "What am I already doing well?"
  • "What can I do differently beginning tomorrow?"

Finally, the participants are provided a "Risks & Issues" take-away tool that summarizes the issues presented in the case. This tangible reminder of lessons learned helps bridge the gap between knowing and doing.

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